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The Hidden Language of Love in Flowers

A common gift for Valentine’s Day is flowers – and there’s a whole hidden language of love in flowers too. The red rose is the one most of us know however it’s more complex than that! In 2018, 40% of people asked simply bought their loved ones a card for…


Here at Creative Nature, we thought we would celebrate this World Pasta Day by sharing some amazing superfood recipes, these are all gluten free, dairy free and nut free. Make sure to check them out. We know that pasta can be a struggle for those with allergies and intolerances and…

Did you know September 16 is National Guacamole Day?

Avocados seem to be a little like marmite, you either love them, or hate them, thinking they are either delicious or they are horrible and slimy. For those of you who don’t know what guacamole is, it is an avocado-based dip that has its origins with Aztec people. Already used…

What is Christmas in July?

Christmas in July is a term that has popped up in terms of marketing for the last few years. In reality however, it started 84 years ago in 1933 at a girls’ camp in North Carolina.  It was the idea of the co-founder of the Keystone Camp, who was very…

National Ice Cream Month

What’s your favourite ice cream? We’ve taken a small poll in the office, and our top three flavours are: Vanilla Cookie Dough Mint Choc-Chip   Why are we talking about this? Well, July is National Ice Cream Month! Also in the US, National Vanilla Ice Cream Day is on July…

Green Goodness Smoothie Recipe Video!

As some of you may know- all of our new lovely superfood tubs have recipes on the back of pack! This makes it so much easier for all of you who are unsure of what to use our lovely products for but also gives you a bit of inspiration! We…

Come see us at Vegan Life Live!

This year we are planning many exciting shows and fairs we will be taking part in to ensure we meet as many of you as possible and get to interact with our customers! We have a few fun shows coming up and the one that you can see us at…

Meet our Ambassadors: Tsuki Harris

It's time to meet another one of our beautiful Ambassadors! Meet Tsuki! A vegan warrior that has the energy we all envy! Make sure to follow her on Instagram and Twitter and read on to see how she got into body building, veganism and working with Creative Nature! What’s your name? Tsuki…

How to Stay Healthy and Eat Right in the Winter

Now that it is getting chilly outside and winter is just around the corner, many of us may find it difficult to stay healthy in the winter months. However, although in the summer time it is always easier to stay active and choose better food options as we naturally crave…

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